Hi, folks, me again. I put my poetry here for you to read.
I hope you enjoy it, as I enjoy writing it. I may also
occasionally write a story or something. When I do, I'll post
it here. Have fun reading!


I've never felt more lonely than I do now.
My true love is beyond my farthest reach,
My best friend has left me behind,
My family has turned their back on me.
I am a lone voice in a crowded room:
Drowned out, yelled at, and stepped on.


I am full of anticipation and excitement
I feel like I am reading a best-selling book by a famous author
With every page turn my curiosity heightens until I can hardly bear it
But I must be able to stand it; or I will never know how it ends
And that is the entire point of reading the book, isn't it?


before, I was just a loner. I had my close-knit circle of friends
and my distinct tastes and distastes and that was all.
then something happened.
something happened that uncovered a very small piece of the puzzle
the adventurous piece
the courageous piece
the curious piece
the spontaneous piece
the piece buried beneath all of the other pieces in the box
the piece I had been seeking for so long
the piece that completed the puzzle
the piece that blurred the edges just enough so that
my tastes and distastes vanished as if they had never existed and
my circle of friends stretched until it was no longer a circle or any discernible shape
the something that uncovered that small, before insignificant piece of the puzzle
had completely changed the outlook of it and how it was put together
but now that the puzzle is complete
I am bound to ask what strange event triggered the discovery of the missing piece. 
was it a naturally occurring phenomenon
or was it you who cared enough to change me?


I have seen the thoughts of those before us 
In verse and note and rhythm
They have seen the problems that face us
And answered them
They have seen the emotions we will feel
And given us a means of expressing them
They have seen our entire lives before
And wrote it down so that we may remember more easily
And so the cycle repeats itself
And so we shall also do for the generation ahead


I am a tattered vessel containing a sea of emotional turmoil
All ships have long since sunk 
All buoys have long since capsized
No man dares set sail on such a sea
Not even the wildest of explorers
The sea is cursed with an ever-changing current
I wonder if it will ever settle.


It seems to me that I am the only person awake
In a sea of people
I could do anything I wanted at this very moment
And nobody would know 
For they are all asleep
Not a care in the world do they have
Not a problem do they face
But I will keep to myself
For although they would not know that I am doing it,
They would know when it was done.


How could one person have control over my life and not even know it?
I find myself checking the mailbox several times a day
Just to see if she has sent me a letter
I find myself unable to sleep at night
Because she is on my mind
Is this love, or a simple infatuation?


I stand on a hill far above town
all is peaceful and serene
for I am the only one awake at this odd, but beautiful hour
suddenly, it is as if the earth takes her waking breath
birds begin to sing
squirrels begin to chatter
trees begin to sway in the morning breeze
a band of golden light begins to peek over the horizon
it starts to mix with the clouds to create lovely reds and purples and golds
the colors move through the leaves of trees like water
then, as soon as it had started, it is over
the world is awake and ready for a new day
and I stand alone in amazement
at the power of a summer sunrise


I watch with teary eyes
as all I've ever hoped, and dreamed, and cared for
walks through the door 
and out of my life forever
I shall miss the time we spent together
the long walks and passionate kisses
the endless sunsets and the hours of conversation
they all seem to just slip through my fingers
I feel as if a part of me has been ripped away
and I shall never have it back.	


I watch in fascination as the skies above change before my eyes
the sunset is muddled on the clouds
in soft shades of violet
and bright shades of pink
with bands and streaks of gold across the dark grey clouds
and a hint of a blue so delicate in the background
such a beautiful sight for such a short time


Whispering winds cry through the trees
the golden sunset peers through dark clouds
mourning doves sing their gloomy tune
the current of the river cries silently to me
I sit on the banks of an old tired river
and wonder
Is the river mourning with me?
or is my imagination just trying to comfort me?	


I am disoriented
I have been smashed, crushed, and beaten by something normally kind, warm and gentle
the pain is excruciating
such a stabbing tearing pain I have never felt before
but will probably feel again
I have so many questions
why me?
why did this have to happen?
but none are answered
I am cold and alone


My beauty, you mesmerize me.
Your eyes are like sapphires,
Your hair like sun through the trees
Your voice like the wind on a warm summer day.
I love your mind, your heart, and your soul.


Reaching you is like trying to plant a flower 
in the bleakness of midwinter.
For a short time, I saw a bantam spark of life, 
but then it just died away.
It seems as if I need to isolate you from the 
rest of the world for you to grow,
partition you away in a greenhouse,
far away from the other fauna of this earth,
but you would just die there anyway.
for in isolation lies our true weakness,
the fear of being alone.


I feel as if I am trapped in a world of my own creation
at times, it doesn't seem so bad
and at times it seems like the worst torture
I try and communicate with others in this world
but it seems like they either don't care 
or are scared by me and by what I tell them.
I have tried to escape before, and will try again
but my avenues of exit are limited to those which are painful
and those which are mortally final
I wish I could just start over and avoid the 
mistakes, places, and words that landed me in 
this god-forsaken place.


Why does everyone force their beliefs and ideas upon me?
There is an entire world beyond me for them to sow their thoughts,
but they appear not to see it.
Why does everyone use me to test their plans and ideas?
There is an entire world beyond me for them to use as their testbed,
but they appear not to see it.
Why does everyone applaud my efforts as if they came from some far-off god?
There is an entire world beyond me that was vital for me to perfect my talents,
but they appear not to see it.
Why do they all stand in shock at the simple thought that
I have my own beliefs and ideas, my own plans, my own view of what I do?
The only explanation I can think of is that
they must not have seen it before.